sf 203 / EN 203


On Tuesday, January 29th of 2013 we went to see the play “Ein Sommernachtstraum” by our school’s drama group. The group based their play on Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”. Having hardly any knowledge about this play, we did not know what to expect.

The dialogues were re-written so that the language was a bit more modern easier to understand. The stage scenery consisted of umbrellas hanging from the ceiling, another little stage covered with cloth and two very small stages on each side.

The costumes were well-made and it was noticeable that the crew put a lot of time and effort into their project.

In terms of acting, the whole group did a fantastic job! The emotions werde displayed very well and it was clearly recognizeable that the actors took the trouble to practice hard and make every scene the best they could.

In my opinion the play was definately worth watching it and the actors were brilliant!

“Is it still raining? I hadn’t noticed.”

The British romantic comedy “Four Weddings And a Funeral” was released in 1994 and directed by Mike Newell. It starrs Hugh Grant, Andie MacDowell, James Fleet, Simon Callow, John Hannah and Kristin Scott Thomas.

The movie follows a group of friends who reunite every couple months at weddings and funderals. You get a sneek-peek in their lifes and a glimpse into who they are, mostly through the eyes of Charlie (Hugh Grant), the protagonist.

At the first wedding, Charlie meets the American Carrie (Andie MacDowell) and the spend the night together. Apparently he falls in love with her but at the second wedding she is engaged to a wealthy Scottish politican.

Carrie and Charlie proceed on meeting at every wedding and a funeral. One day, Charlie tells Carrie that he fell in love with her.

To see how the story ends, watch the movie!

Traumberuf Maskenbildner

Empfehlenswert für jeden, der MaskenbildnerIn werden möchte, ist, zuvor ein Frisörausbildung abzuschließen. Maskenbild wird als Studienfach in München und Dresden angeboten, ansonsten werden an Privatschulen Kurse angeboten oder man absolviert eine Ausbildung direkt am Theater.

In Dresden dauert das Studium vier Jahre und endet mit dem Diplom. In München schließt man nach drei Jahren mit dem Bachelor ab.

BewerberInnen müssen eine Mappe mit Zeichnungen, Entwürfen und eventuell Fotos von maskenbildnerischen Arbeiten einreichen. Die zweite Runde besteht aus einer praktischen Eignungsprüfung und einem Gespräch. In Dresden wird außerdem ein neunemonatiges Praktikum am Theater vorausgesetzt.
Gefordert sind in diesem Beruf Kreativität, Flexibilität und Offenheit für Neues. Da man im ständigen Dialog mit dem Regisseur ist, muss man schnell auf die Wünsche eingehen und sie bestmöglichst umsetzen können.

Da man anfangs meist freiberuflich auf Honorarbasis  arbeitet, ist das Einkommen eher gering. Daher muss man sich schnell einen guten Namen machen, um oft gebucht zu werden. Andererseits kann man sich bei Film- und Fernsehfirmen, Theatern, Opern und ähnlichen Betrieben bewerben. Dann erhält man ein regelmäßiges Gehalt, das zu Anfang meistens aber auch nicht allzu hoch ist. Es gehört also viel Mühe, Energie und Leidenschaft zum Beruf, wenn man sich als MaskenbildnerIn etablieren und den Lebensunterhalt verdienen will.


In Scotland, the legal drinking age is 18. Before you reach the 18th year of life, you are not allowed to visit bars and pubs after 8 p.m. During the week, bars and pubs are open until midnight and on the weekend they usually do not close until 1 a.m. In clubs, the entries are cheap or free before midnight and after that they are not that expensive either. Often there are special offers for free drinks or buy one get one free! For some people, it might be interesting to know that IDs are controlled thoroughly and it is almost impossible to get inside a club under the age of 18.

One place to go is the ‘The Three Sisters Bar’ in 139 Cowgate, Edinburgh. It is a large pub where you can either sit outside at the courtyard or inside. Inside you can choose from a large series of bars including ones with Irish, US and Gothic themes. There is also a disco at the first floor. The pub is named after the three sisters who used to perform there.

Another great spot is ‘The Hive’ in Old Town, Edinburgh. They have a lot of drink promotions and take low entry prices and sometimes it is for free. For example, on tuesdays they play alternative/rock/indie- music and you do not have to pay to come in and drinks are very cheap.

Hip Hop fans should visit the ‘Bongo Club’ in Old Town Edinburgh on Tuesdays. They play everything about Hip Hop, entry is £1 and it is open from 23:00 – 03:00.

Anouk and Mareike


The present cartoon published on June 28th, 2012 by David Horsey refers to the global climate change and criticizes the way politicians deal with it.

The cartoon shows a ship that moves towards a huge iceberg. The ship is black with four smoking funnels and it says: “WORLD LEADERS”. The iceberg is very high and it is written on it: “CLIMATE CHANGE”.


Here, David Horsey offers criticism at important politicians. The ship reminds of the Titanic and needs to change course as soon as possible instead of changing it eventually another time. If the ship does not turn around, it will crash into the iceberg just as Titanic did and it will be too late to change something. Now it is not to late, which is why some action needs to be taken in order to slow down the process of the changing climate.

I think, the cartoon is drawn well. It is easy to understand and expresses the drawer’s opinion clearly.


  • 2010: greenhouse emissions 25% lower than in 1990 (Germany)

  • CO2– emissions falling since 1990

  • effects of global warming: more storms and high tides; bird species migrate; less oxygen in seas; winter shorter and less snow; …

  • melting glaciers and permafrost let methane and CO2 soar into the atmosphere and can also cause floods

  • earth temperature is rising (2009)
  • BUT: the ozone hole above the arctic disappeared

  • sea level: rose from 1961 to 2003 about 1.8mm each year

-> reasons: melting glaciers, thermal expansion of the ocean, and MAYBE: massive use of groundwater (Water is being pumped out of underground reservoirs and finds its way to the ocean. That way the groundwater deposit cannot restock.)

  • world population is rising (1950: 2,53 Mrd; 2010: 6,9 Mrd)


In October 2005, Richard Florida published an article called “The World is Spiky” in “The Atlantic Monthly”. He is also the author of “The Flight of the Creative Class” and a professor at George Mason University.

In this article the author concradicts Thomas L. Friedman’s book “The World Is Flat” and his thesis, the world is being flatened through globalization which makes it easier to travel, trade and communicate.

Florida has the opinion, the world is spiky because of peaks that are carried with the globalization. They symbolize cities that lead the world economy.

He points out that in urban areas happens a “clustering” which means that people move to agglomeration that cause metropolises and so-called “megacities”. Since more people live in those certain areas, they have more influence to economy.

Besides that, the author explains that the light emissions correlate with the economic activity as well as that innovations are not made all over the world but in some areas of the world like in the US, western europe and China or Japan.

The negative site of the peaks is that they affect the growing divide of poor and rich and only a few leading cities drive the world economy which causes another divide between countries, in particular, the difference between industrial and developing countries


Pharmakologie und Toxikologie (Montag):

Montagmorgen haben Larissa und ich uns die Vorlesung über Pharmakologie und Toxikologie angehört. Überpünktlich, also eine Viertelstunde vor Beginn (damit wir noch PLätze bekommen…) standen wir vorm Gebäude. Alleine. Auch drinnen war keiner. Aber dann, drei Minuten vor Anfang kamen die Studenten aus ihren Ecken geschossen und der Raum war in nullkommanichts voll.

Die Vorlesung war unterhaltsam, ein paar Sachen kamen mir aus dem Biologieunterricht bekannt vor. Der Professor sprach über die Pharmakon-Rezeptor-Interaktion, die Regulation und Selektivität von Rezeptoren, die Pharmawirkungen am Indiduum, bzw. Pharmakokinetik, also die Wirkung des Organismus auf Pharmaka, die Wirkung von Thiopentanol, Hepatische Elimination und wie Grapefruisaft die Wirkung mancher Arzneimittel verändern kann.

Ab einem gewissen Punkt konnten wir dann nicht mehr so ganz folgen, dazu kam, dass sich die Studenten hinter uns durchgängig underhalten haben. Was wir von ihnen gelernt haben: Nachm Saufen einen Jägermeister trinken, dann gibts keinen Kater am nächsten Tag. Außerdem sind Senseomaschinen zwar cooler, weil die Pads aus Zellstoff und nicht Plastik und somit umwelfreundlicher sind, dafür halten sich die Kaffeeautomaten aber auch nur ein Jahr.

Ich übernehme keine Haftung für diese Aussagen 😀

Planung und Entwicklung ländlicher Räume (Montag):

Montagmittag hab ich mir eine Vorlesung über das oben genannte Thema angehört. Zuerst wurden die Thünischen Ringe und Kreise besprochen und dann auf den Strukturwandel eingegangen, besonders auf den Wandel in der Landwirtschaft. Danach legte die Professorin eine Folie mit der Überschrift “Vom Haufendorf zum attrativen Wohnort auf”, über die ebenfalls längere Zeit gesporchen wurde. Zum Schluss wurden mehrere Typisierungs- und Definitionsansätze für den Begriff “ländlicher Raum” verglichen.

Auch wenn ich teilweise nicht ganz folgen konnte, fand ich die Vorlesung interessant und auch hier begegneten mir einige Begriffe und Themen, die ich aus dem Erdkundeunterricht kenne. Da ich sowieso darüber nachdenke, etwas in Richtung Geografie zu studieren, fand ich es hilfreich, mir so eine Vorlesung anzuhören.

Alles in allem haben sich die Tage in Münster meiner Meinung nach gelohnt, da man so mal einen Einblick in die Vorlesungen bekommt und wie das alles so abläuft. Außerdem trugen die Tage dazu bei, dass wir uns alle noch ein kleines bisschen mehr kennengelernt haben . 🙂

Foto am 21.05.12 um 16.42 #3



In the present text “Globalization and its Impact on Politics”, Thomas L. Friedman points out the role media has in globalization.

Nowadays, the customers and consumers want to get involved in politics and patricipate in the descisions that decisive concern their lives. Besides that, there are many platforms where citizens can inform each other about broken railroads, speed cameras and such things. Additionally, news spread way faster than they did 50 years ago which means that also bad news go around faster and if there happened a scandal, the world will know about it by a few minutes. If that happens during an election for example, the politican has less good chances to be elected. On the other hand, it is easier to spread positive information as well and also to start a rebellion against ruling circumstances. Also, Friedman explains that the party that uses and dominates latest technology, dominates politics.

The media, especially the Internet, makes it easier for politicans to get closer to their citizens. The mutual flow of information is good for both sides. That way, politicans can win over some votes.