sf 203 / EN 203

Month: February, 2012


This analysis is in regards to the dangers and chances of the social network site “Facebook”.
I think that both the good and the bad sides of Facebook have to be noticed because even if it is not all good, it is not all bad either.
Starting with a negative fact, every time you publish a post, watch a video, upload a photo, click on a link or whatever, that information is saved up for years and Facebook sells it to a third-party. In this way they earn a lot of money. As heard on a BBC-podcast, we are not the customer, we are the product.
Many Facebook users spend a lot of time socializing with friends which can be useful because you do not even have to move to talk to them, you can just sit in front of your computer. The bad thing about this is that a lot of students get far behind in school because they get distracted a lot. Besides that, some people actually isolate themselves from real life and create their own little cyber-world.
Since Facebook is a free service for its user, it has to be paid somehow. When people share information, those huge amounts of data will be saved up like I said and given out to a third-party. Have you ever noticed the matching advertisements…?
You can connect your Facebook account with numerous other social networking services. That way Facebook can extract more value out of the given data.
With the upcoming “timeline” year old posts will show up and it will be easy for your future employer to see those pictures of you being drunk on your best friend’s 18th birthday..
All in all, keep in mind that you should only share information that everyone is allowed to see!


Analyse einer Werbeanzeige für Kosmetika in der SEVENTEEN

Analyse einer Werbeanzeige für Kosmetika in einer vergleichbaren deutschen Zeitschrift

-> Vergleich USA – Deutschland: wie werden die Models dargestellt, wie sind die Bilder bearbeitet (viel Photoshop / eher natürlich)

The Beauty Myth

The Dove Campaign

evtl. Veränderung der Schönheitsideale im Laufe der Zeit (grob)

Sicht einiger Männer (wenn sich was finden lässt)




The newspaper article “False beauty in advertising and the pressure to look ‘good'” was published on August 10, 2011 on and written by Jo Swinson. The author tells about how the advertising media distorts the perception of beauty.

In every fashion magazine are advertisements for beauty products and clothes. Those pictures are mostly digitally retouched. A lot of young women who see these advertisements often wish to look like the pictured models. This can cause eating disorders and leads many people to take diet pills and steroids.

Jo Swinson proofs her statements with studies, eg. one which says that one-third of all women would sacrifice one year of her life to achieve her perfect dream body.

Julia Roberts and Christie Turlington are models for Lancôme. The are both natural beauties but their pictures are “photoshopped” though. These advertisements were banned because of false advertising since L’Oreál, who owns Lancôme, could not prove the foundation’s flawless coverage.

In March 2010 the Campaign for Beauty Confidence launched. The initiators want people to be happy with their body. There is a need to give children a positive example for having body confidence and this aim is tried to achieved by media literacy and body confidence lessons in schools.

Some people are ignoring this serious issue which is why the new generation should learn to love their body.


Hey Niki,
i just read an article in this German newspaper magazine called “Der Spiegel”. It was an interview and they were talking about internet usage in Germany.
The interviewee said that about 3/4 of all Germans use the Internet and the number is rising. He also explained that there is no “average German Internet user” because different age groups use different Internet services. And even 40 or 50 year old or older people use Wikipedia and YouTube. Oh, and did you know that about 80-90 % of all  under 20 to 30 year old people use facebook?? That’s incredible!! Of course, there are some older people that use facebook or other social network sites to socialize , too.

Anyways, i have to go now. ttyl 🙂